Timber Creek Ranch HOA
© Copyright Timber Creek Ranch Home Owners Association 2022

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the Homeowner Association fees?

Currently the Timber Creek Ranch Homeowners Association fees are $150/year. The TCR-HOA fees are mandatory and are registered on each lot.  The TCR-HOA fees are used for maintenance of the private common lands and weed control on the common lands; upkeep of the entrance and cul-de-sac landscape islands.

What do I do if I see injured wildlife?

Call Lakeside Nature Center in Kansas City, MO at (816) 513-8960 or their website at https://www.lakesidenaturecenter.org. Depending on the circumstances, you may be advised the best course of action is to let nature take its course.

How do I get TCR-HOA approval for a construction of an outbuilding, changing the

exterior of my home, building a fence, etc.?

Please contact us before construction starts so that we can work with you to ensure your project will meet our guidelines and the requirements of the relevant Restrictive Covenant.

We have a household member who is mobility restricted. Can we use a motorized

vehicle for them in the neighborhood?

Yes, you can use mobile vehicles in our neighborhood.